TQJ 4/2021, issue 68
November 2021 – January 2022

Changing your inner world by smiling
Trauma, the autonomic nervous system, Taiji and Qigong
By Ralf Rousseau
When confronted with a threatening situation, the body switches its metabolism to fight/ flight or it freezes. If such a situation continues for a longer period or if it has a traumatic effect, the organism’s ability to regulate itself may become challenged and hence be unable to find its way back fully to its original relaxed state. Ralf Rousseau explains that an activation of the frontal vagus nerve, for instance through relaxed movement and mindful self-perception, can serve to »deactivate« somatic emergency programmes such as described above. In this way Qigong and Taijiquan can not only help to counteract ongoing stress but also mitigate the long-term effects of experienced traumas.

On the origin of Taijiquan
By Christian Unverzagt
There are various, and partly contradictory, theories about how Taijiquan first arose. These theories are also related to the various interests of the styles and to the wish for honourable ancestors. Christian Unverzagt turns the spotlight on the various theories and names and in this way arrives at an important question: when do these accounts of the origins actually involve Taijiquan in its current form? In the second part of his article he will take a closer look at the aspects which have made Taijiquan into a unique martial art.

Chan Mi Gong – Elementary access to life
By Zuzana Sebkova-Thaller
Chan Mi Gong is an independent school of Qigong that has long been established in the German-speaking regions; in some respects however it differs significantly from other Qigong styles. Zuzana Sebkova-Thaller highlights special features of Chan Mi Gong and describes how its wavelike and spiralling movements connect practitioners with the primeval forms of our existence. In the next issue she will explain how the complete system is structured and will describe the more advanced exercises.

Taijiquan and its therapeutic and healing effects
By Jan Silberstorff and Joachim Stuhlmacher
The health- and relaxation-promoting effects of Taijiquan are generally recognised nowadays, but this doesn’t mean they can be easily explained. On the basis of a single move from Chen-style Taijiquan, Joachim Stuhlmacher and Jan Silberstorff explain various aspects of an intensive and mindful approach to Taiji training which, from the perspective of classical Chinese medicine, are not only able to support health but also to initiate and facilitate far- reaching healing processes. These include calming the mind, strengthening the legs, opening certain meridians through movement of the arms and shoulders as well as activating the daimai.

Qigong in workplace health promotion
By Awai Cheung
Prompted by the intensive demands in the working world and the shortage of skilled workers, the issue of workplace health promotion is gaining importance. Concepts involving Qigong and Taijiquan are also appearing in this area. Awai Cheung has already been working in this sector for some time and has developed his own method under the name »Business Qigong«. He looks back at the development of workplace health promotion and describes how Qigong exercises contribute to management of stress and resources as well as clearly promoting resilience, and how they can be integrated into everyday working life.