Quo vadis Taijiquan?
By Axel Dreyer
In the course of its history, Taijiquan has undergone many transformations in line with the social circumstances of the day. A sophisticated martial art became a mass sport to strengthen public health, and a path for personal development, and a competitive sport that China wished to establish as an Olympic discipline. Axel Dreyer considers whether the current developments are causing the true art and wisdom of Taijiquan to be lost. Here he also takes a critical look at the standardised training programmes, which are so short that they can hardly enable the participants to explore the deeper aspects of Taijiquan.
Rediscovering the Small Circuit – Daoist alchemy as exempli ed by the Small Circuit
By Joachim Stuhlmacher
The »Small Heavenly Circuit« is one of the best-known Qigong exercises and exists in multiple variants. Joachim Stuhlmacher takes a look at the exercise in the context of the development process of inner alchemy and shows how certain preconditions, such as deep relaxation and an opening of the meridians, should already be met before one begins with the Small Circuit. Moreover, a patient, step-by-step approach to practice offers the best chances of success. In this first part of his article he describes the rst stages moving from the middle of the sternum to the lower dantian. In the second part of the article he will examine the further course of the exercise.
We can’t change the wind, but we can set the sails properly. Chansigong as a basic exercise for body and mind
By Yürgen Oster
In the third article on the silk-reeling exercises, Yürgen Oster presents his way of approaching this basic exercise method, which he has developed from the tradition of Fei Yuliang. Here the visible movement should arise from the inner dynamic between yin and yang, thus enabling the body to become relaxed and loose, especially the shoulders and hips. At the same time the constant simple circling generates an inner stillness. Regular practice improves the overall energy-related structure, in particular strengthening the Wei Qi und thus the externally oriented protection of the organism.
Animal forms and ancestor master – two patterns of »direct contact« in the Daoist ritual
By Georges Favraud
Every now and then, reference is made to the shamanic roots of the practice known today as Qigong. As part of his doctoral thesis, Georges Favraud made an intensive study of a Daoist master who works in a rural area as a leader of rituals and as a martial arts teacher. In his article Georges Favraud shows that the connection between our arts and shamanic ideas and techniques is still alive today. A distinction is drawn here between the »play« with animal forms, which can nourish and develop the organism, and the more direct and profound contact with the ancestor master.
>> original version in English
Letting go and centring – Remarks on the five Loosening Exercises of Huáng Xìngxián
By Hinrich Cramer
The five Loosening Exercises of Huang Xingxian have disseminated beyond his own line of tradition, since they train essential basic principles of Taijiquan. Hinrich Cramer describes all five exercises here, making reference to the teaching of three master students of Huang Xingxian who teach in Europe: Wee Kee Jin, Patrick Kelly and Tony Ward.