TQJ 1/2021, issue 83
February – April 2021

Qigong and the power of images
Strengthening your own resources and discovering new sources of strength
By Brigitte Weihmüller
Many Qigong exercises have illustrative names that spur the imagination and create individual associations. This has inspired Brigitte Weihmüller to augment specific exercises with short creative phases in which the various associations can be expressed in a more lasting way. She presents this work using two examples, as possible inspiration for other Qigong practitioners. Comments by course participants indicate that drawing can support the effect of the exercises and transferral of these into everyday life.

Taijiquan as a therapeutic resource
Awareness of the health benefits of Taijiquan is growing
By Patricia Huston
There is convincing scientific evidence that Taijiquan is not only a good exercise for body and mind, but also that it can delay and alleviate many chronic ailments. Numerous scientific studies have shown that Taijiquan helps to prevent falls among the elderly and that it has a positive effect on, for instance, back pain, osteoarthritis, chronic lung ailments, cardiac insufficiency, consequences of strokes and Parkinson disease. In her research activities, Patricia Huston has examined not only the current state of research but also the question of why Taijiquan still doesn’t play a larger role in the healthcare system despite the available findings. She summarises the present situation and indicates how all stakeholders can help to promote public awareness of the therapeutic effects of Taijiquan.
>> read original version (English)

Science as opportunity
By Helmut Jäger
From 2021 onwards new requirements are being set by German health insurance funds for the qualification of course instructors in the realm of relaxation. In particular, it will now be required that they can demonstrate at least 60 hours tuition in basic medical knowledge. Helmut Jäger argues that this should be regarded not only as an imposition but as an opportunity to deepen our understanding of the Chinese movement arts by regarding them from a scientific perspective. At the same time, basic scientific knowledge facilitates dialogue with healthcare institutions and helps one to understand research results in this field.

In search of the »ultimate martial art«
Taijiquan and Mixed Martial Arts
By Andreas Schmidt
Taijiquan is generally perceived more as a gentle movement art, as a soft martial art. It arose as connection between effective martial art and Daoist alchemy. Following on from this tradition, Andreas Schmidt has set himself the task of showcasing the applicability of Taijiquan when engaging with other martial arts and training for competitions in Mixed Martial Arts. He points to the connection with Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) through the utilisation of our self-defence instincts. Consciously reactivating and applying these can bring us closer to our own natural state.

Got lucky – Got unlucky
Which ethical values do I internalise through my personal practice?
By Klemens J. P. Speer
Regarding things in an unbiased way is a difficult but valuable goal, and requires much practice. And even if we are practised in this, we constantly need to make decisions in our life that require a judgement of things and situations. But what values do we apply when making decisions? Klemens Speer takes a look at both Daoist and Western values that can help us progress in our inner development, brings them into an integral correlation and relates them to our personal practice. In his view, practitioners of Taiji and Qigong and their institutions can play a pioneering role in necessary social changes.

The Breathing Flower
An exercise for one and all
By Roberta Polizzi
What could be more important in these times than our breathing, the basis of life and our resilience. Roberta Polizzi describes the »Breathing Flower«, a small exercise sequence that strengthens our lung function in a simple manner and connects us with the essential cycles of life.